
miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2023

Defensora Malú García Andrade, es galardonada con el Premio Per Anger 2023 por su lucha contra el feminicidio

29 mar. 2023

Malú García Andrade, defensora de derechos humanos en México, recibe el Premio Per Anger 2023 por sus esfuerzos para apoyar a las familias de hijas desaparecidas y asesinadas. A la par exige que se investiguen crímenes perpetrados y que los responsables sean llevados ante la justicia. El premio Per Anger del Gobierno de Suecia en rubro de derechos humanos y democracia será otorgado por el Living History Forum el 27 de abril en Estocolmo Suecia.

La defensora y abogada Malú García Andrade de Ciudad Juárez encabeza una organización de apoyo que por más de 20 años ha exigido a que las autoridades judiciales y legislativas tomen en serio los crímenes contra las mujeres, que se investiguen los asesinatos y que se castigue a los responsables.

Boletín_Defensora Malú García Andrade, Galardonada con el Premio Per Anger 2023.pdf

- Las familias deben conocer sus derechos para que puedan exigir la restitución, y el estado tiene que llevar los perpetradores ante la justicia y detener la impunidad generalizada. Solo entonces las niñas y mujeres podrán vivir sin violencia y miedo, dice Malú García Andrade.

En febrero de 2001, la propia hermana Malú Garcia fue asesinada. Durante varios años, su familia exigió justicia y reparación, pero fue en vano. México es un país inmerso en estructuras patriarcales y marcado por la corrupción. En promedio se cometen diez feminicidios de mujeres y niñas cada día por el hecho de ser mujeres.

Desde la muerte de su hermana, Malú García Andrade ha mantenido viva la lucha. Ha representado a cientos de familias ante las autoridades que no han querido o no han podido llevar a los perpetradores ante la justicia. Hoy es una de las figuras más destacadas del movimiento mexicano de derechos humanos contra el feminicidio.

La galardonada y su familia han sido objeto reiterado de amenazas de muerte e intentos de asesinato o secuestro. Ahora viven con protección e identidades protegidas.

- Malú García Andrade libra una lucha incansable por los derechos de las niñas y mujeres en México. A pesar del peligro mortal para ella y su familia, se niega a dar marcha atrás y, en cambio, exige que los asesinatos cometidos contra mujeres dejen de quedar impunes, dice Petra Mårselius, directora general del Living History Forum y presidenta del jurado del Premio Per Anger.

Motivación del jurado

María Luisa García Andrade es muestra viva de un enorme valor por medio de su lucha por todas las mujeres desaparecidas y asesinadas en México. En un ambiente de extrema violencia, exige que el Estado investigue los feminicidios y que se condene a los culpables. Trabaja incansablemente para brindar apoyo a las familias afectadas, impulsa reformas legales y se niega a rendirse incluso después de que ella y su familia se hayan visto obligados a vivir en la clandestinidad. Su determinación y dedicación incondicional es inspiradora y brinda esperanza.

Nueve organizaciones internacionales participaron en el trabajo de nominación para el Premio Per Anger de este año: Afrikagrupperna, Amnistía Internacional, CivilRightsDefenders, Diakonia, The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation, IM – Swedish Development Partner, Save the Children, We Effect y la Iglesia de Suecia. El ganador del premio de este año fue designado por Amnistía Internacional Suecia.

Sobre el Premio Per Anger

Es el premio internacional del Gobierno de Suecia bajo el rubro de derechos humanos y democracia. El premio se estableció en 2004 en memoria de los esfuerzos del diplomático Per Anger durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando salvó a los judíos húngaros del Holocausto. El gobierno ha encargado al Living History Forum la responsabilidad de otorgar el premio anualmente.

Entrevistas en Estocolmo

Comuníquese con la unidad de prensa de Living History Forum por teléfono al +46 702 59 38 19 o press@levandehistoria.se

Lea más sobre el ganador del premio de este año en https://www.levandehistoria.se/english/remembrance#the-per-anger-prize-to-human-rights-defenders 


María Luisa García Andrade ha fundado y lidera la organización de apoyo "Traigan Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa”, para familias que luchan por sus hijas desaparecidas, violadas y asesinadas.

En el año 2020, 3,723 mujeres y niñas fueron asesinadas en México, tanto por desconocidos como por agresores conocidos. De estos, 940 fueron investigados como feminicidios. Consulte el informe de Amnistía Internacional aquí: www.amnesty.org/en/documents/amr41/4556/2021/en/  

Última actualización 29 mar. 2023, 8.54

Sweden: Malú García Andrade is awarded this year’s Per Anger-prize 2023 for fighting femicide

Malú García Andrade, awarded the Per Anger-prize 2023. Photo: Cristopher Ordoñez

Mexican human rights defender Malú García Andrade bravely and tirelessly fights femicide, the murder of women simply because they are women. She is awarded the 2023 Per Anger prize – the Swedish Government’s international prize for human rights and democracy.

Human rights defender and lawyer Malú García Andrade from Ciudad Juárez in Mexico heads a support organisation for families victimized by the deadly violence, which too often is directed towards women in Mexico. For over 20 years, she has demanded judicial authorities and lawmakers to act on crimes against women, investigate the murders, and punish the perpetrators.

– Families need to know their rights so they can demand reparation, and the state must bring the perpetrators to justice and stop widespread impunity. Not until then can girls and women live without violence and fear, says Malú García Andrade.

Mexico is a country steeped in patriarchal structures and marked by corruption. On average, ten women and girls are murdered every day. Many of these are femicides – the genderbased killing of women. On top of this, Amnesty documented significant shortfalls in investigations of crimes committed against women and girls in the country.

In 2001, Malú García Andrades younger sister was murdered. For several years, her family demanded justice and redress, but in vain. Today, Malú García Andrade is one of the prominent figures of the Mexican human rights movement and wages a tireless struggle against femicide. She refuses to turn away, despite being subjected to death threats and attempted kidnapping.

– Malú García Andrade is a very brave human rights defender in one of the most dangerous countries for women. Every murdered woman is a horrible strike on their family in many ways. Not only are they deprived of a family member, but also deserted in their search for truth and justice since the authorities are not acting sufficiently against these crimes. Amnesty calls for the Mexican authorities to prioritize acting against femicide, says Anna Johansson, Secretary General of Amnesty Sweden.

The Swedish Amnesty Fund is a part of Amnesty’s human rights relief. In cooperation with Amnesty Mexico, the fund has provided families with support such as legal aid to push investigations forward, trauma therapy and safe relocations. When there was a hightened threat scenario around Malú García Andrades, the fund supported her emergent relocation to a safer place.

– Malú García Andrade being awarded the Swedish government’s international prize for human rights and democracy hopefully contributes to a positive change for her and everyone who are subjected to and fights against femicide in Mexico. Amnesty continues to stand by their side, says Anna Johansson, Secretary General of Amnesty Sweden.

Interviews in Stockholm and the prize ceremony

The Per Anger Prize is awarded at a ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden, on April 27.

To schedule an interview with Malú in Mexico, please contact Amnesty International Mexico’s press officer, Alejandro Juarez Gamero, at +52 55 2265 4331, or by e-mail at prensa@amnistía.org.mx

To schedule an interview in Stockholm, please contact the Living History Forum’s press unit by telephone at +46 702 59 38 19, or by e-mail at press@levandehistoria.se.


The Per Anger Prize is the Swedish Government’s international prize for human rights and democracy. The prize was established in 2004 in memory of the efforts of diplomat Per Anger during the Second World War, when he saved Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust. The Living History Forum has been tasked by the government to award the prize annually.

María Luisa García Andrade, known as Malú, is the founder and leader of the support organization “Bring our Daughters Back Home” (Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa). The organization supports families who fight for their disappeared, violated, and murdered daughters. Malú García Andrade was nominated to the Per Anger Prize by Amnesty International Sweden.

The jury’s motivation to the Per Anger prize 2023: “María Luisa García Andrade shows enormous courage in her fight for all the women who have disappeared and been murdered in Mexico. In an extremely violent environment, she demands that the state investigates femicides and that the guilty are sentenced. She works tirelessly to provide support for affected families, pushes for legal reforms, and refuses to give up even after she and her family have been forced to live in hiding. Her determination and unconditional courage are an inspiration and provide hope for change.”

Femicide denotes systematic abuses and murders committed against women, simply because they are women. Such crimes are defined as femicide in Mexico, to distinguish them from the overall high numbers of murdered women in Mexico. In 2020, 3723 women and girls were murded in Mexico by both known and unknown perpetrators. 940 of those murders were investigated as femicide. The criteria to classify a crime as femicide is a murder committed in combination with sexual violence, mutilation or desecration of the body, previous threats and violence, a confidential relationship with the perpetrator, and if the victim has been held in isolation or her body exposed in public.

The Amnesty Fund is a part of Amnestys human rights relief. The Amnesty Fund can act fast in emergency situations and supports threatened, harassed and persecuted human rights defenders around the world. The human rights relief is an important complement to Amnesty’s investigations, advocacy work and activism. The Amnesty Fund was founded in 1966 on the initiative of Swedish actors Hans Alfredsson and Tage Danielsson, and the fund has since then supported thousands of human rights defenders.

For further information, please contact:

Amnesty International Mexico
email: prensa@amnistía.org.mx
tel.: +52 55 2265 4331

Amnesty International Sweden
email: press@amnesty.se
tel.: +46 704 33 09 16


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