Playwright: Humberto Robles
Friday, March 12 at 7:00 pm (en Español) Reception to follow
Saturday, March 13 at 2:00 pm (in English)
According to reports, since 1993 more that 576 women have been murdered and over 600 are still missing in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. The climate of violence and impunity continues to grow without any concrete actions being taken to put and end to this femicide. They are young women employed in maquilas or sweat shops, migrants..
The murdered women of Ciudad Juárez are more than a statistic. They have names, faces and stories that are too often neglected....
With Beatriz Salcedo, Nelly Martinez, Zofia Valenzuela, Julie Norman, Marie Madero and Rebecca Fuentes.
Directed by Rebecca Fuentes
Community Folk Art Center - Black Box Theater of the Paul Robeson Performing Arts Co.
805 E. Genesse St.
Syracuse, NY.